Like attracts like.
Being super clear about who you are and what you stand for is the first step to creating a magnetism to your brand. We’re powered by emotion not by reason, so before you start communicating your features and benefits, take some time getting to know what matters most to you and to the people you serve.
Leading your brand with purpose and alignment with your values is an easier way to manage your business, acquire new customers and nurture existing ones. Say ‘no’ to the hustle! A brand blueprint will give you the strategy, clarity and confidence to launch and grow your brand.

Build brand value
We’ll help you clarify the purpose of your brand and the values that matter most to you. It’s these that form an emotional connection with your audiences.

Target with precision
Get clear about who you serve and how best to communicate with them. Craft your visual identity and key messages in a way that hits the mark with your ideal customers every time.

Brand by design, not default
Want to know what to say, when to say it and which channels to use? We’ll help you develop a well executed customer experience that consistently attracts, serves and retains customers, while differentiating you from your competitors.

Because rebrands are expensive.
When you’re strategic and intentional with your actions, you can expect a stronger audience response from your activities and a greater return on your marketing investment. Do it once. Do it right.
Whether you're just starting out and you want to build a strong foundation or you've lost your way with authenticity and connection in your brand, a blueprint will help you avoid the costly and confusing effort of a rebrand. If you're constantly adjusting your logo, mixing up your colour palettes and fonts or changing your tone of voice, you're losing connection with your customers.
Marketing is all about consistency. This is what builds long term trust between you and your customers. It also creates efficiencies for you when developing your content and marketing activities!
How do you create consistency?
With a clear framework. A Brand Blueprint.
Doors are now closed for our latest intake. Sign up below to be the first to hear about our next one and other marketing opportunities.
Building Your Brand Blueprint
Form a foundation that acts as a source of truth for your brand, grounded in purpose and driven by values that bring clarity to your strategy and ultimately more profit to your bottom line.
Here’s what you’ll get:

Access 12 brand modules
Work through the modules most relevant to you at your own pace. Access over 12hrs of video content, worksheets, templates and tools to build a brand that’ll last the lifetime of your business.
Attend regular masterclasses
Our Marketing Collective specialists will present regular marketing masterclasses. Access the live masterclass and Q&A or watch the replays in your own time. We’ll cover marketing topics across both programmes.

Meet the makers
Access The Marketing Collective specialists and our outsourced partners. We’ve packed our programmes with extra bonuses and discounted rates for working with us directly, if you need additional support.
Give and receive peer support
Join the private Marketing Collective Facebook community to engage with like minded business owners from all around the world. Get feedback on your brand, partner for accountability and share ideas with our community of small business owners.

Formulate Your Blueprint
Use all of the above to build your blueprint - your own customised strategy document to direct all future marketing decisions.
We previously sold this programme for over US$1000. But now we want to scale it and help hundreds more small businesses get up and running, or aligned with your true customer base, faster and more purposefully.
Get clarity on who your ideal customer is and build your unique brand around them, in a way that works for you...
Discounted Investment - NZ$127 per month (~US$77)
(Minimum 3 month subscription)
Register your interest in our next intake by completing the form below to get early bird access.
View The Modules
This programme is ideal for anyone who is at the early stages of developing their business, as well as for more established brands who want to solidify their brand identity with more structure and certainty.